Month: June 2006

  • Synchronicity (not the Police song).

    I delivered this D’var Torah this morning at Ohr Shalom: *** I really love it when circumstances come together to create a harmonious, pleasant situation. Some refer to this as synchronicity; in my worldview, this is evidence of the existence of God. I don’t see God as an old man with a flowing beard sitting…

  • I know a few lawyers, and they’re not at all this ignorant.

    This morning’s Daily Highlights linked to an AP story about an ugly legal battle in Chicago involving the circumcision of a young boy. In the middle of the piece, I found this gem: David Llewellyn, an Atlanta attorney who specializes in circumcision cases, is helping the father’s attorneys without fee. He called the surgery…

  • Jews in Shanghai. Wait, WHERE?!

    No, really. NPR did a great story about the Jewish community in Shanghai this morning.

  • Run with it

    I recorded my first attempt at a podcast over the weekend, and wisely shared it only with my family, so I could get feedback and comments before making a complete fool of myself in front of countless other people. Well, OK, I also sent the link to a couple of other people, including Adam Curry,…

  • Fantastic find in Ramla

    Spotted on Yahoo! News: Prehistoric ecosystem found in Israeli cave via Daily Highlights (, incidentally, was founded by Israelis).