A tiny little division…

…of a major corporate behemoth, I know, but it’s still a cool bunch of people. Some years ago, Hallmark set up Shoebox to create and market humorous greetings cards. They also had a website in the early days of the web called “Funny, but No” to show off card ideas that didn’t make it past the corporate suits. This feature was a favorite of mine way back when, and then it went away.

Then the web infiltrated popular culture totally, and people’s ideas of what was in bad taste shifted noticeably, so the feature is again available on the company’s blog (note that they’re even using the freely available Blogger rather than some fancy, costly, “professional” blog hosting thing).

One of the artists on staff at Shoebox, Brian (who is presumably one of the men in the photograph on the right here), and Brian recently became a dad. I know this because Brian is cartooning his new life as the father of an infant and capturing the experience brilliantly. To wit:
how being a parent is like the ending of a bad slasher film

Check out more of Brian’s work.



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