Movie review: 28 Weeks Later

Very briefly, because I don’t want to spend too much time thinking about this movie:

Scariest movie I’ve seen in years, possibly ever. Not only in the jump-out-of-your-seat scary, although it has enough of those moments, but more of the sustained scariness of a horror/sci-fi movie that’s just close enough to being real (the underlying concept of the Rage virus from 28 Days Later, the premise of repopulation under military auspices that is the foundation here) that it messed with my head for days after I saw it. It’s possible that, as a friend suggested (without having seen the movie, only based on my reaction), that it struck a particular chord with me for one or more of several reasons – my being a parent, my awareness of the precariousness of biomedical research and its risks, my experience and views of security issues – any one of these or all of them together could have contributed to my being affected by this movie in a way I don’t remember a film hounding me in ages.

Not for the queasy or soft of stomach, but highly recommended nonetheless. Perhaps I’ll come back and talk about it in more detail at another time…



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