Month: November 2007

  • 10 Years? Felt like 10 minutes!

    Just had a fabulous dinner (at Bahama Breeze, in case you’re keeping track; excellent jerk-painted tilapia and terrific chocolate desserts) with Cousins Marc & Lynn and their boys who, conveniently enough for us this weekend, live in Orlando. Last time I saw M&L was at least a decade ago, before they had any offspring, so…

  • Adjusting

    Last time we traveled to the east coast with Hadarya, in March, we kept her pretty much on west coast time, which prevented shifting back when we went home. At that time, naps weren’t as important, and she was sleeping through the night really well, so it worked out great. This time, her schedule is…

  • Movie review: 28 Weeks Later

    Very briefly, because I don’t want to spend too much time thinking about this movie: Scariest movie I’ve seen in years, possibly ever. Not only in the jump-out-of-your-seat scary, although it has enough of those moments, but more of the sustained scariness of a horror/sci-fi movie that’s just close enough to being real (the underlying…

  • Professional development/putting myself out there

    Last week I participated in an IT Careers Panel organized by our colleagues across town at the UCSD Career Services Center. There were three other panelists (all UCSD alums), and a whopping TWO students attended. So, yeah, it wasn’t a resounding success in terms of attendance, but the two students who were there sure got…

  • Ignorance fuels violence

    Yes, I know this hasn’t gotten physically violent yet, but it easily could. When is this going to stop? A British schoolteacher has been arrested in Sudan accused of insulting Islam’s Prophet, after she allowed her pupils to name a teddy bear Muhammad. BBC story. This whole business with images of the Prophet confuses me.…

  • Holiday wish list

    Dear Santa/Hannukah Harry (can’t be too safe), I think I’ve been pretty good this year. Here’s my entirely unrealistic, pie-in-the-sky, lottery-winner’s gift list, in no particular order: Crosley Director Record Player/CD Recorder (Target exclusive, on sale now!) iPod Touch 16GB (Costco’s got ’em at a few bucks off most everyone else; I don’t know who…

  • My amazing offspring…

    …except that, well, you know, she isn’t my offspring in the literal sense of that word. Regardless, she IS amazing, and I happily take credit for her attitude and disposition, seeing as how I’ve been co-responsible for her since the moment she was born. She had a rough night last night, up a few times…

  • Times when I don’t feel like being a grown-up

    Having to make a personal family budget, and dealing with rising costs and expenses on the one hand and stagnant income on the other, is not fun. I know I am more fortunate and well-off than a mind-numbing portion of the planet’s population, but that’s not my fault; that’s an accident of birth. Trying to…

  • On giving back, giving thanks, and not giving up

    We got up bright and early this morning to walk 5K in downtown San Diego to raise money for Jewish Family Service and the San Diego Food Bank. Felt good. Ran into many people we know, and saw the power of grassroots passionate politics in action: two Ron Paul supporters I saw walked the entire…

  • It feels like Friday

    Which means that since it got dark a few hours ago, I’ve felt like it’s Shabbat and I shouldn’t blog until after… but it’s not Shabbat, it’s Erev Thanksgiving, and there’s nothing to prevent me from writing, using the computer, etc. Jenn spent much of the day cooking and baking for Thanksgiving, which we’ll be…