Month: November 2007

  • Quality time, and Spider-Man 3 pre-review

    We spent time tonight with E and S, good friends with whom we have a weekly dinner, rotating between our two houses. We were scheduled to go up to their house, but S called to let us know their laundry machine is on the fritz again, so we switched the date to our place, and…

  • How to forget about your daily troubles in 3 easy days

    OK, actually they’re 3 rather hard days, either of walking 60 miles (about 20 miles each day) or working as a volunteer to support the thousands of people walking, but getting involved in the Breast Cancer 3Day does make it easy to forget about the mundane things that we usually think are so hard and…

  • The origin of this domain name

    When I first started posting here in April 2006, I put up some divrei Torah I’d delivered over the last few years, and then I very briefly talked about why I got the domain and how I planned to start podcasting “soon.” While I haven’t accomplished that last task, I’m still working on it, and…

  • Oy, what a (3)day!

    As noted yesterday, our day started before dawn, with Hadarya’s wonderful babysitter/master teacher arriving at our house before 4 AM to take over while we went up to do our part in finding a cure for breast cancer. Hadarya’s day started off fine, but by 1 PM she’d slept for 3 out of the 5…

  • The 3Day, Opus 5

    In our first year of marriage, we chose a “cause” and joined a massive community of people working to eradicate breast cancer as a life-threatening disease. The Breast Cancer 3Day 60-Mile Walk benefiting Susan G. Komen for the Cure has played an important part in our lives ever since. I’ve been a proud Gear &…

  • Comics 2.0

    I’m pretty tired of the 2.0 thing, but I figure it’s good for search engine bots, and I’m not above using the technology to my advantage. The first section I always used to turn to in the paper (and still do on the rare occasions I read a newspaper) is the comics. A couple of…

  • This blog is all over the place, can you tell?

    Jewish stuff, family stuff, all sorts of other stuff. I don’t discriminate. Here’s French President Nicolas Sarkozy explaining why he walked out of the 60 Minutes interview broadcast in late October: not

  • Google is awesome. Google is also a little scary.

    I need not elaborate on Google’s awesomeness. The scariness: crawling my blog within five minutes of my posting last night’s entry. MY site!? I knew it had been crawled before, when I first got the domain and started blogging, but I had no idea the bots were persistent and wide-ranging enough to grab my random…

  • Parenting, literally and figuratively.

    Parenting is hard. I’m not complaining, mind you, just stating a fact. Allow me to illustrate with two anecdotes. Having a fever of 102°F sucks. Being less than 13 months old with a fever of 102°F sucks a couple of ways. First, you have no idea why you feel so crappy; you have no life…

  • Movie review: 28 Days Later

    Yeah, I know it ain’t a recent release, but I just watched it on DVD and I need to post about something, so here it is. Well done, visually astonishing suspense/thriller/horror movie. Very well paced and acted, which is saying something for what is essentially a zombie movie. But really, it’s much more than that,…