Category: education

  • Interesting stuff I’ve read in the last couple of days

    1. A terrific profile of Melinda Gates from My favorite snarky moment: She made valedictorian and got into Notre Dame. But Notre Dame did not get her. When she and her dad visited, she recalls, officials at the university told them that “computers are a fad” and that they were shrinking the computer science…

  • Professional development/putting myself out there

    Last week I participated in an IT Careers Panel organized by our colleagues across town at the UCSD Career Services Center. There were three other panelists (all UCSD alums), and a whopping TWO students attended. So, yeah, it wasn’t a resounding success in terms of attendance, but the two students who were there sure got…

  • Ignorance fuels violence

    Yes, I know this hasn’t gotten physically violent yet, but it easily could. When is this going to stop? A British schoolteacher has been arrested in Sudan accused of insulting Islam’s Prophet, after she allowed her pupils to name a teddy bear Muhammad. BBC story. This whole business with images of the Prophet confuses me.…

  • It feels like Friday

    Which means that since it got dark a few hours ago, I’ve felt like it’s Shabbat and I shouldn’t blog until after… but it’s not Shabbat, it’s Erev Thanksgiving, and there’s nothing to prevent me from writing, using the computer, etc. Jenn spent much of the day cooking and baking for Thanksgiving, which we’ll be…

  • Two things that could change the world

    1. I’m on Rabbi David Wolpe‘s weekly d’var Torah email list. He can say more with fewer words than almost anyone I’ve ever met. Anyway, a few days ago I received a special message from him: Below is a mitzvah of worldwide significance. This program, which involves all faiths and nations, is an attempt to…

  • Playing around online

    My buddy Avraham has provided a lot of great intellectual (kosher) meat for me to chew on ever since we met in grad school way back around the turn of the 21st century (can you believe it’s been that long, dude?). He challenged me again recently by asking how I keep up with news of…

  • Surprise! You’re the guest of honor/keynote speaker tonight!

    When we walked in to the UCSD Faculty Club tonight for the San Diego Blood Bank‘s Stem Cell/Bone Marrow Donor Appreciation Dinner, we were excited to be back at this moving event, this time without our daughter, who was with us last year at the tender age of 6 weeks. Little did I know that…

  • Quality time, and Spider-Man 3 pre-review

    We spent time tonight with E and S, good friends with whom we have a weekly dinner, rotating between our two houses. We were scheduled to go up to their house, but S called to let us know their laundry machine is on the fritz again, so we switched the date to our place, and…