Category: funny

  • Jewish Education, the Simpsons Way

    Thanks to Counting the Homer, I found out that this year’s Simpsons Treehouse of Horror (the Halloween special show) included this segment:

  • Microsoft-bashing, old school.

    Murray contributes: I picked up a Magic 8-Ball the other day and it said “Outlook not so good.” I said, “Sure, but Microsoft still ships it.”

  • Comedy is good.

    I’m a few days behind the leading edge on this, but I imagine there are still plenty of people who haven’t seen this (and have never heard of the man responsible), so enjoy (thanks to David Malki, creator of the wonderful Wondermark comic):

  • Not one, but two “Whaaa?!” moments in one day.

    You know, the rub-your-eyes-with-your-fists, lean-your-head-forward-with-a-quizzical-look moment… 1. My campus is closed this coming Monday for what is labeled on the official campus calendar software “Martin Luthor King Day.” Apparently, Lex himself was an evil twin of a pioneering civil rights leader who changed the face of this country forever. Either that, or we’ve been spelling…

  • Generation gap.

    For Chanukah, Hadarya’s grandma Bonnie gave her a gold bracelet that belonged to Jenn when she was a little girl. When we opened the gift, Jenn exclaimed “Yay! Hadarya’s first bling!” Bonnie: “Her what?!” Us: “Bling. It’s slang for jewelry.” Bonnie: “I’ve never heard that.” Us: “We’re not that surprised.” The next day, Bonnie told…

  • Good advice.

    At Jenn’s staff holiday party a couple of weeks ago, I ended up talking to another husband – a former teacher and current ironworker – who has lived long enough to have acquired a great deal of wisdom that he’s able to sum up in three cardinal rules. At least two of the rules apply…