Category: Good News
Innovation from Israel
The Israeli Flying Car is just a prototype now, but everything started out that way, didn’t it?
At first I was afraid, I was petrified.
Leave it to my 80s-infested brain to relate the most important event of my life to Gloria Gaynor’s biggest hit. But there you have it. That’s the first line that popped into my head moments ago, when I observed the two most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen, sleeping in our bedroom. Get your minds out…
Jews in Shanghai. Wait, WHERE?!
No, really. NPR did a great story about the Jewish community in Shanghai this morning.
Run with it
I recorded my first attempt at a podcast over the weekend, and wisely shared it only with my family, so I could get feedback and comments before making a complete fool of myself in front of countless other people. Well, OK, I also sent the link to a couple of other people, including Adam Curry,…
Fantastic find in Ramla
Spotted on Yahoo! News: Prehistoric ecosystem found in Israeli cave via Daily Highlights (, incidentally, was founded by Israelis).