Category: News

  • A little diversion on a day sorely lacking in good news.

    How about a New York couple taking cab to Arizona retirement to distract you from the Virginia Tech massacre. I hang my head in condolence for the families of the dead and pray for a speedy and complete recovery for the wounded. The Hokies are a strong bunch.

  • Nancy Pelosi comes from good stock.

    The JPost tells us about Pelosi’s father and the Holocaust. I look forward to seeing good things from her and her colleagues in terms of foreign policy this term.

  • Me? Pedantic?! No!

    I expect better from an institution like Time Magazine (well, in this case): In their photoessay on the life, reign, and death of Saddam Hussein, they goof in the caption for photo 5. Note the reference to the persons sitting “to Saddam’s left” and “to his right”: This isn’t as egregious as the fauxtography…

  • Tuesday in Tel Aviv

    This morning, Michael J. Totten, writing in Andrew Sullivan’s Daily Dish, mentions something I haven’t heard a whit about, which is exactly the point of the article. Meanwhile, the Opinion Editor in the Daily Aztec, Veronica Rollin, begs for an education by directly comparing the US campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan to the Israel-Hezbollah war,…

  • Commentary on the Torah portion and current events

    I delivered this drash this past Shabbat, Saturday, July 22, at Ohr Shalom. I’m proud to say that the Prime Minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert, shares my sentiments, as evidenced by his speech to the Knesset [Hebrew, English] on July 17 (which I had not read until today [hat tip, AbeJ]). *** There are some…

  • I know a few lawyers, and they’re not at all this ignorant.

    This morning’s Daily Highlights linked to an AP story about an ugly legal battle in Chicago involving the circumcision of a young boy. In the middle of the piece, I found this gem: David Llewellyn, an Atlanta attorney who specializes in circumcision cases, is helping the father’s attorneys without fee. He called the surgery…

  • Jews in Shanghai. Wait, WHERE?!

    No, really. NPR did a great story about the Jewish community in Shanghai this morning.

  • Fantastic find in Ramla

    Spotted on Yahoo! News: Prehistoric ecosystem found in Israeli cave via Daily Highlights (, incidentally, was founded by Israelis).

  • News about/from Israel, without the politics, the conflict, etc.

    Impossible, you say? Israel21c (Israel 21st Century), I respond. My dad sent me a link to a Fox News story (Flash video) from April about a futuristic military defense development that could help the American forces in Iraq (not to mention Israeli forces in their own work), and I found the story on Israel21c.

  • Good news, bad news… just news.

    Life & death in Israel: U.S. teen hurt in Tel Aviv suicide bombing in April dies of wounds, while on the same day, The terrorist who planned the attack is killed by the IDF One of the things I want to encourage with this blog (and the discussion I hope will ensue shortly) is a…