Category: video

  • Freedom of speech in real life.

    I had never heard of Mike Daisey before today, but I am a big fan now. Make sure you read the followup, too.

  • An utter, beautiful waste of time.

    Once again, BoingBoing provides good entertainment, not to mention edification.

  • Random Jewish media moment of the day.

    DVDDossier, which I never would have found were it not for Dave Zatz (and I have no idea how I found him), opens my eyes to this gem.

  • Comedy is good.

    I’m a few days behind the leading edge on this, but I imagine there are still plenty of people who haven’t seen this (and have never heard of the man responsible), so enjoy (thanks to David Malki, creator of the wonderful Wondermark comic):

  • Chag sameach

    It’s the holiday of Sukkot, sometimes referred to in English as the Feast of Tabernacles. There’s a whole long story behind why these people are shaking a bunch of vegetation around, which I’ll explain another time, but watch the video and enjoy.